Review of Kings

Kings (2009)
Poor Ian McShane
19 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
When I saw Ian McShane on the Daily Show last night, I was really excited about this new show. He had been fantastic in Deadwood, a real S.O.B. who I had to have empathy for. But after watching 20 minutes of the pilot, I had to grab the bucket and hurl. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I probably should have watched more and given it time, but the entire 20 minutes I saw stretched my credulity to the breaking point. The enemy takes their first hostages of a war and keeps them in an unguarded tent within eyesight of the good guys? Good guy runs across brightly lite "no man's land" completely undetected? Good guy has a roll of gaffers tape and makes a 'potato masher' grenade because the kingdom that built a majestic city after being at war for decades hasn't come up with anything better? There's just too much wrong with this for me to overcome. I've got to get Deadwood back from the library and watch what happens when good writing and strong characters come to the little screen.
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