Close to Home (2005)
21 March 2009
On TV last night, we decided to give it a go. If you don't know by now it's the story of two Israeli female recruited soldiers whose task is to check Arrabs ID for national security. Since I too have been recruited by the French army to do my military service, I could well identify with some of the feelings expressed by them and other soldiers. The difference between their situation and mine, their's had danger, mine was more like a game. Yet the situation was , in some ways, so similar are they were people drawn to an unusual environment most likely without their consent to perform tasks they had not fully taken on board. Possibly what is going in Israel, for them was part of life, but not really their life. At least that what I got from the movie, this sense of reality. Their life was well above the national security, their life was the one most young people go through. their maturing, their dream their want. So, as I remember too, the army was something they had to go through and so be it but it did not stop the more important things in their life. Although the film shows quite a contrast of personality between these two main characters it shows too a similar humanity in both of them that will play a role. It is quite thought provoking. You wonder what was the extent of their power, or their feeling to intrude in others life, their sense of duty. But reality works at different level and when one bomb explodes it stresses that fact and shows the impact it has on those soldiers. It reminds me of someone I knew, a strong headed person who ended up being sent to Algeria in active service. their group was sent to dislodge rebels out of cave. The group "gun ho" had taken position but as it was their first mission had no idea of "reality" Whilst they were ordered to lye down one had still his lower leg folded up. Reality struck in the form of a bullet through his ankle. And they learned a new level of reality! This is how I saw this movie.
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