Some things a man can't ride around.
23 March 2009
Excellent docu on matador, director and badass extraordinaire Budd Boetticher, chronicling his life and work, from his young years learning bullfighting in Mexico, being hired on Rober Mamoulian's Rita Hayworth vehicle Blood and Sand to choreograph the bullfighting sequences only ending up choreographing Hayworth's 'matador' dance with Anthony Quinn, going on from there to threaten to punch the living daylights out of Columbia's cranky boss Harry Cohn only to land a job directing b pictures for him, his next stop doing potboilers for Universal and finally, his most famous output that secured him a place in Cahiers du Cinema's venerable pantheon of auteurs, his collaborations with writer Burt Kennedy, DP Charles Lawton Jr. and Randolph Scott in the Ranown westerns. Clint Eastwood, Taylor Hackworth, Quentin Tarantino, John Wayne's daughter, Peter Bogdanovich, Paul Schrader, Robert Towne and Boetticher himself in a late 2000 interview dissect his body of work, part critical appreciation, part eulogy for an American director who influenced as many subsequent filmmakers with only five movies as people like John Ford did with twenty-five.
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