Aching Hearts (2009)
Characters with development
24 March 2009
If you've seen one Malmros movie, you've seen them all. Maybe. Or maybe not! Many of Malmros' movies takes place in his own life, so does this movie. It is often the same story - the one about being unhappily in love. The Malmros movie 'Kundskabens træ' depicted the children (and has now made cult status), and now with the movie 'Kærestesorger', we see the teenagers. It is quite a work that underlies this movie. It took Malmros three years to make this movie. This is because we, as a viewer, have to get the feeling that the characters undergo a development - and they really do! A lot happens in three years when you are 15 years old.

The language can seem a bit strange and you can get the feeling that the actors cannot act. But the movie is supposed to depict the 60's. The language was different then. And actually, the language - and how the actors talk is not far from the language in 'Kundskabens træ'. This means that not only did the actors had to act, but also work a lot on how they talked. The actors are not professionals, but they are really good! The movie can seem boring to some (it goes on for over two hours), but we have to get the feeling that three years have passed, at the end of the movie. It is not supposed to be a funny movie, but the dialogue is sometimes hilarious.

If you are curious to see what it was like to be a teenager in the 60's, you should definitely see this movie.
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