Smilin' Stan and Shaky Smith
28 March 2009
I do admire the man Stan Lee. Despite his so-called "humble" attitude on his "laziness" in creating some of the most iconic comic/superheroes of the past 50+ years, the man was far beyond his own time when it came to inventing characters that survived decades, re-writes and some great/some awful films. So, I had to rent "Stan Lee's Mutants, Monsters & Marvels" for him as well as Kevin Smith, whom I also favor in creativity and humor. Unfortunately, Smith showed his love and nervousness throughout the entire interview to the point of utter irritation. And that began on minute one. Yes, it's human to be nervous, especially if you strongly respect/idolize the person you're interviewing. But it's unprofessional to interrupt, squirm/move consistently, finish the interviewee's lines and (for the love of Pete) continuously interject "right" and "uh-huh" practically after single sentence the subject completes. That all being said (and you finally can get used to Smith's child-like banter,) I did enjoy the interview(s) though it just seems like one long one despite being split on the DVD. The first is an obvious plug for the (then) upcoming Spider-Man $400 million dollar movie while the second is supposedly devoted to the other characters he helped create. Unfortunately, though it starts that way, basically it just turns to more Marvel topics. Overall, I learned a lot, Smith was extremely knowledgeable (and anyone who knows his background/employment, would know he should be) and Lee was a hoot. While Smith was the actual humble one, Lee was most certainly not. But, that's okay. I always let arrogance slide when they have a right to be that way. For, even being a Superman-lover, I can't come up with any other creations Jerry Siegel/Joe Shuster invented. I could name countless imaginations from the great Stan Lee.
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