Two and a Half Men: The Two Finger Rule (2009)
Season 6, Episode 19
Funny! Funny! Funny!..........
4 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This episode has got to be the funniest and most gut wrenchingly hilarious episode of the entire series. Every once in a while in series television everything just seems to come together for one episode and winds up being their best show. In my opinion this was their show. I haven't laughed like I laughed watching this show for many years. If you like this series, you'll love this episode.

I checked the spoiler box because of the Alan character. It's not really a spoiler but........It seems like they're chilling him out some, which I think is good. There's none of his whiny "I'm" broke but demand equal rights" crap in the show nor the past couple of few shows for that matter.

So, Best episode in a fantastic series. Guaranteed gut wrenching.

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