Informers in the dark
6 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
"Nuits d'Alerte" belongs to that spate of movie which were thriving just after WW2.The French Resistance fighters were the new heroes,deservedly so.It took Louis Malle and "Lacombe Lucien" to show the darker side of the occupation (although Clouzot had already begun with some scenes from his "Manon" ) and the collaborators.

If the heroine betrays her country,it's because she can't stand torture but in the end she redeems herself and goes as far as to sacrifice her own life to save her squeeze.A squeeze who is ,of course ,a resistant fighter .They are both quite romantic (as her death is) :Roger Pigaut was one of the young romantic leads of the era and Helene Perdriere was fresh as a daisy.Both were solid thespians but a desultory script does not help .The movie fails to excite or to move.

Best moment:an informer ,learning while listening to the radio that his cover is blown,tries to escape .We see him in the dark,tracked down by his compatriots.The heroine was his lover,that was her first mistake.

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