7 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
One of the worst shows I've seen in a long time.

I don't really watch many sitcoms anymore, since most every joke has to do with sex, but I did like Bob in Full House, and I enjoyed the other sitcoms of that era. This is NOTHING like that.

Bob plays a completely unlikable character. I guess you could say he's supposed to be kind of like Homer Simpson, but Homer is easy to accept as stupid, where Bob just isn't. We know the REAL Bob Saget too well to be able to accept him in this role of a bumbling boob.

The wife was simply irritating and completely unrealistic. All she cared about was her "standing" in the neighborhood. She was no "Marge" to his Homer, in that she was just as bad as he was.

The teenage son was supposed to be the voice of reason. Again, completely unrealistic. Watching him "lecture" his father was painful.

The little girl was cute, but she was nothing like a real child, either. The obsession with Zac Efron was annoying. Her parents seemed to act like it was fine for her to talk about how she would give Zac a flirtatious look so he would "fall in love with her" and they could "move into her room".

But the WORST part was the wishy/washy morality tale. Apparently you don't need to be honest with your neighbors (if you can get something out of them) or even your kids (it's OK that you just WANTED to be honest, because your kids need you to be a "hero" in their eyes), but you should be with your spouse. Ridiculous, but I guess that's what passes for morality these days.

I doubt this show will last a month. It's already cleared off my DVR list.
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