CBS Executives Start Getting Wish
22 April 2009
To put this episode in historic context, CBS execs were getting an ear full of complaints about Wild Wild West being too violent. Because of this the opener here in season 4 is actually a kinder and milder West than the previous seasons. In fact, this whole season starts to seem that way. It is unfortunate as CBS execs were not very smart in this era as CBS set still standing records between 1968 and 1971 in canceling more popular series than any other network.

This show is kind of a departure from earlier ones. In the last season, Conrad & Martin are trying to tone down the violence and replace it with more light comedy & acting. This episode is an example of this.

With the recent death of Harvey Korman, it is an interesting footnote that he plays it more or less straight in this show. Martin really gets to ham it up in the silent film sequence and especially in the ending where he suggests to Jim that maybe the type of thing he had just done might be worth a nickle.

History is distorted here, but then history is not what this show was about. The toned down violence of season 4 is definitely one of the reasons this is by far the weakest year of West in addition to Martin being missed in some episodes.
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