Horrible "Pygmalion" wannabe
5 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
A "thing" like "Una rosa al viento" can't barely be called movie, being as it is so dead and with nothing that can interest any viewer. More than a film it's an homage (or auto-homage) to the already old and retired Xavier Cugat, more about his talent finder side that his own life; obviously, something with these characteristics is unwatchable, the hour and a half it lasts is filled with a silly plot, and really awful scenes like one where Cugat remembers a musical number he once saw shown in parallel with some kind of dreadful dance made by the main character, a young girl and also a brief cartoon with Cugat and his humor at his worst.

Any hint of character development is inexistent and the homage aspect makes everything on-screen (like the ending) unbelievable. Terrible and dumb movie, with with at least one good thing: Alfredo Landa, that even in this mess is fantastic as usual as the young girl's father. Avoid completely.
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