Review of Chaos

Chaos (I) (2005)
Last House on The Left for dummies
5 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is exactly like Last House On The Left. So much so that as it moves along you would think that you were watching the Wes Craven classic. The only difference is that they changed some parts around. You know a quick revision but not enough to not recognize the movie they are stealing from.

The story is basically two naive girls on their way to a rave mistakenly walk into the clutches of the dumbest and most ugliest people ever captured on film. They are tortured and killed and the three idiots oops I meant criminals go to the house of one of their parents. Sounds familiar? It should.

The acting terribly unconvincing. I never once believed those girls were in danger but I do believe that they might have had a bad case of the runs. The villains were stupid and pathetic and this movie even has a campy subplot involving idiotic cops just like Last House On The Left! Seriously, this movie is really bad and gives low budget cinema a bad name. There are some low budget movies out there that are good and are made with heart but this is not one of them. The director(David DeFalco) is this fiasco should be forced to watch his own rubbish till his eyes bleed. Honestly, Batman and Robin was scarier than this slop. Lets hope that this mangy dog doesn't inspire more hacks to be hacks because low budget cinema doesn't need anymore than it already has. Two thumbs down.
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