Barthelmess and Olcott Play it Safe
7 May 2009
In the adventurous 1880s, gallant young U.S. Cavalryman Richard Barthelmess (as Ranson) fights Native American Indians, and courts pretty Dorothy Mackaill (as Mary Cahill), daughter of "Post Trader" Anders Randolf (as George Cahill). His fun-loving antics get him in trouble when Mr. Barthelmess masquerades as "The Red Rider", a bandit terrorizing the countryside. Then, when the real masked "Red Rider" commits a robbery and murder, Barthelmess is arrested for the crimes. Due to a shady past, Mr. Randolf also becomes a suspect. Poor Ms Mackaill may see either beau Barthelmess or daddy Randolf hanged! - A staid and safe offering from a big star (Barthelmess) and name director (Olcott).

***** Ranson's Folly (5/30/26) Sidney Olcott ~ Richard Barthelmess, Dorothy Mackaill, Anders Randolf
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