Savage Planet (2007 TV Movie)
Why do I keep torturing myself with these rubbish Sci-Fi Channel 'Creature Feaures'?
13 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Savage Planet is set thousands of year in the future, Earth is slowly dying as air pollution will eventually kill all life. Something needs to be done. Quickly. The Carlson Corporation has discovered a planet twenty thousand light years from earth that is almost identical to our own planet, the Carlson Corporationnmaes it 'Planet Oxygen'. In the hope that Planet Oxygen will be the saviour of Earth & it's dying population an expedition is set up, headed by the big bad boss James Carlson (Roman Podhora) & security dude Randall Cain (Sean Patrick Flanery) along with various other stock character's a team uses 'Deep Space Teleportation' to get to Planet Oxygen in next to no time. Once there they discover that the planet is overrun with genetically nutated killer alien Bears who don't like visitors...

Directed by Paul Lynch one has to say that save for one or two mildly amusing gore scenes Save Planet is easily amongst the worst Sci-Fi Channel 'Creature Feature' flicks I have had the misfortune to sit through & it's as simple & straight forward as that. There are so many things wrong both conceptually & technically with Savage Planet it's hard to know where to start. The script is terrible & is full of holes, why lie to the team about the mission? Why not hand pick a team to go there & do what you want? I mean James was the boss right? If the teleportation device needed terminals both on Earth & on Planet Oxygen how did the terminals get there in the first place? Why only teleport a few guns with you? Thousands of years in the future wouldn't they have disintegrater guns or powerful laser guns or something a bit more advanced than an old one-shot-at-a-time Winchester rifle? If the teleportation device works on the principle of DNA how can the team teleport while wearing their clothes? Clothes do not have DNA. Why does everyone keep splitting up when they know vicious alien killer Bears are all over the place? Why doesn't anyone shoot straight? Why was Savage Planet even made? Also why is it in films set during the future when buttons are pressed on computers it makes a silly bleeping sound? What purpose would that serve? That doesn't happen now so why would it change in the future? Tha script is awful, the dialogue is awful, the character's a clichéd, bland & awful, the pace is alright but I was still bored by it & it's totally & utterly stupid. I mean this alien planet just happens to look EXACTLY the same as Earth & just happens to be populated by aliens that EXACTLY like Bears. Savage Planet sucks. End of.

The only thing Savage Planet has going for it are a few amusing gore scenes, there's a couple of decapitation including a pretty gory one at the end, someone is split in two, someone is badly mauled, there's a severed hand & a Bear swipes a chunk of flesh from the side of someones body in a very poor CGI effects scene. The bear attacks are pathetic & horribly edited largely from stock footage of Bears. I can't remember a single scene in which a character & live bear appears in the same shot, the majority of the attacks are the same shots of a Bear on it's hind legs growling & then we cut to one of the terrified character's as they react to it. What makes it even worse is that the same stock footage of Bears is used on numerous occasions. Savage Planet is supposedly set in the future but it doesn't look futuristic at all with character's using old rifles & sleeping in rolled up canvas tents, even in the early scenes set on Earth it looks dated already.

Shot in Hamilton in Ontario in Canada the production values are poor, it's horribly put together with awful editing & terrible special effects. It does have a good decapitation in it though. The acting is poor & Sean Patrick Flanery needs a new agent if this is anything to go by.

Savage Planet is a terrible film in every way imaginable, it really is & it's bad even by Sci-Fi Channel 'Creature Feature' standards which are already set at pretty much rock bottom. Really, really bad.
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