Monsters: La Strega (1989)
Season 1, Episode 24
OK Monsters episode with Linda Blair.
15 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Monsters: La Strega starts as a man named Vito (Rob Morrow) confronts a woman named Lia (Linda Blair) in her shop with the intent to kill her, Vito believes that she is in fact a Witch named Le Strega & is responsible for the death of his mother (Maria Tucci) after putting a curse on her ten years previously. Lia denies this & makes a deal with Vito, if he spends two weeks living with her & after those two weeks he still wants to kill her then he can. Over those two weeks Vito comes to realise who Lia is & finds out the truth about what happened ten years previously...

Episode twenty four from season one of Monsters this originally aired in the US during May 1989 & was in fact the final episode of the first season, directed by Lizzie Borden this is an OK episode but is nothing particularly special but wastes twenty odd minutes if you've got nothing better to do or watch. The story supposedly builds up to a big twist ending that reveals it was Vito's mother who was the villain & Lia is in fact a nice Witch which is OK I suppose but a little too upbeat & happy for my liking. Then there are unexplained moments where Vito has hallucinations or dreams or something, people switch as say moment Vito is talking to Lia then suddenly he's talking to his mother & just to fit into a series called Monsters Lia almost randomly changes into an ugly Witch a couple of times. Le Stega isn't that bad but it could have been better & it's not amongst the show's best. For those interested in such things I believe La Strega means The Witch in Italian.

The main area of interest in La Stega is that it guest stars Linda Blair of The Exorcist (1973) fame as well as dozens of other low budget horror & sleaze offerings down the years, I suppose you could say that this episode features a real Blair Witch. Sorry, that's just not funny. There's a decent make-up job effect when she turns into the ugly version of herself but little else of interest here & nothing that memorable.

La Stega is a fairly average way to round off the first season of Monsters which has been a mixed bag ranging from the poor like Satan in the Suburns & Their Divided Self to the excellent like Glim-Glim, The Match Game & Mannikins of Horror with episodes like La Strega stuck somewhere between.
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