A transitional film for Pickford
16 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Earlier in the century, Mary Pickford made a ton of short films for Thomas Ince and D.W. Griffith. They were well made for that time period, but frankly, today they are rather preachy and simplistic. The truly great films Pickford was to make wouldn't be made until the late teens and 1920s. AMARILLY was made just before all these amazing full-length films. She was definitely a star, but was just on the verge of mega-stardom. You can easily see that this film has much of the style of these later films but isn't quite the same stellar quality. Because of this, I see it as a bit of a transitional film. For her best stuff, try watching DADDY LONG LEGS (just one year later) or her great films of the twenties (such as SUDS, MY BEST GIRL and SPARROWS).

AMARILLY is a moralistic story due to its direction and style. The film cuts back and forth between the sweet but poor folks (Amarilly and her family) and the stuck up rich folks. It is all very "black and white" and really wasn't subtle at all. Such a style would be all but dead by the twenties--it was just too preachy and unrealistic.

Amarilly is dating a guy for three years in the most chaste relationship in film history--three years and not even a kiss between them!! However, a shallow rich guy discovers this plucky girl (is Pickford anything other than plucky??) and he is captivated by her. Eventually, he even wants to marry her but it all falls apart because his rich aunt and her friends look down on Amarilly and her family's simple ways. In the end, she goes back to her sweet boyfriend and lives happily ever after--thus illustrating the message that people should stick to their own social class!

Overall, it is entertaining but I don't recommend it to those who aren't acquainted with Pickford's work. That's because the film isn't particularly artistic or well made by later Pickford standards. Try watching the films I previously mentioned first. For those who are familiar with her films, then by all means see this movie--it is worth seeing and entertains.
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