A rip-off of better shows
18 May 2009
First, the concept. A Boy discover magic Chalk, yet he discovers weird stuff happening in the real world? Not only does this concept doesn't make any sense, it makes the show look like a last minute project without any thought of logic. If you have the most powerful object in the world, would you use that to ex cape the real world & make everyone not trust you? No! You would send him to the government for tests then use him as a weapon against your enemies. Plus, this is straight rip off of George of The Jungle. A show without any logic makes the viewer change the channel.

Characters have no personalities, and some of them are straight rip-offs of other shows. Rudy's wining is exactly like Skunk's from Skunk Fu!. Can you say Want to be! His personality is as boring as his design. Penny almost looks like Marry from Johnny Test, so that makes the show even more boring. She's smart, which doesn't explain why she would be friends with the commoners, especially Rudy. Gus is an imitation of Cartman but only worse. He even as rude as Cartman. Plus, his personality is like him too, which does no better for the show. He's supposed to be a lame villain, He's more of a pain to listen to than to laugh at.

And last but not least for the second banana, let's talk about Rudy's friend. snap is nothing more than a rip-off of Spongebob and Sonic. Spongebob because of his life, and Sonic because he's blue. Plus, he has fast talking like Sonic, which is another point to why the show is stupid. If Rudyy explore Chalkzone to much, how come everyone in the real world are idiots? How can they work when their dumb.

The villains are lame also. There's too many villains to count, but the main one is Joe Tabootie. a Candian pig freak? Does that remind you of another show? It should, because having a villain who's to crazy with orange nose-hair came from Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog (not Sonic X). This guy is an imitation of Dr. Robotnik but more lame. He's more like a people-eater than a shellfish Tytoon, inventing his own weird Meat Shop to take Rudy, which was a success. Overall, the characters are unforgettable and annoying. Art is about uninteresting as the artwork of Will & DeWitt if not more. Artwork is too blocky and oblique. I know that blocky shapes can be effective. making the show more dull and uninteresting. Colors consist of only one shade of each color. Different colors are supposed to make provide a reality to the viewer, even if it's a cartoon. The colors in this show, unfortunately, creates an unoriginal world. The Artists didn't take their time with this work.

Dialogue is as annoying as every other element mentioned so far, especially Joe's. It consists of nothing more than arguments, high-pitch, and jokes, which are annoying since every show these days have to have a joke or else. There's nothing appealing to the character's voices since it looks cheap. Joe talks like a Canadian. Not only is this a cliché, but it can also be offensive to Candians and give a bad reputation to Americans. Overall, inexperienced voice actors doing a boring show.

And finally, the plot. What plot? Like Squirrel Boy & Bleach, this shows consists of 4 episodes of nothing. a few has a boring plot: Rudy and friends are on a situation; Weird Stuff happens in real world; Rudy tries to save day, some how did or get out of the situation. end of story. It consists of these on a rare. The plots have no originality and are rip-offs to other shows. There's even an episode where Rudy & Penny raids a Rock Quarry. Can I say rip-off of George of The Jungle? The plot is exactly the same in the episode when George treats a Ringo poorly & his friends bring a dead Ringo to life & the Ringo almost turns everyone to zombies.

I'm not sure if you can even call this a frame story, because, technically, it's not even a story. The show is so illogical that it's impossible to plan a story with its format. Everyone is just there to be a plot device and obstacle to Rudy and Penny. The villains are even hard to defeat too, making the story even more boring than Beast Wars. This show should be on the top 100 worst shows on history. It's just too boring and uninteresting to watch. Like Squirrel Boy & Bleach, this show was made at the last minute just to be added to a time slot. If you want to watch a better show about a bumbling hero but better, watch George of The Jungle, Spongebob Squarepants, Ricky Sprockt: Showbiz Boy, Skunk Fu!, or any other show. Seriously, this show is a cheap filler with no story.
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