Vantage Point (2008)
One of the Worst Big-Budget Films I've Ever Seen
22 May 2009
I'm going to make this really short because I don't think Vantage Point is worthy of much discussion.

The script is appalling. First, it tries to be Rashomon by telling the same story over and over again from different characters' perspectives but forgets one important detail. If the story isn't interesting, it's going to stay that way no matter how many times you how look at it. In this case, the story is as one-dimensional as they come. A group of terrorists try to assassinate the U.S. President. That's all there is to it - no social commentary, no subplots, and nothing minutely interesting. As for the dialogue, it seems to have been written by a film student receiving a failing grade.

The actors are all big names (Dennis Quaid, Forrest Whittaker, Sigourney Weaver, and William Hurt) but they simply can't overcome the insanity of the script. Everyone overacts, especially Quaid and Whittaker. Quaid looks like he's sucking on a lemon at all times, and Whittaker makes grotesque, unintentionally funny facial expression. Actually, the latter criticism can be applied to the entire cast.

The film only functions as a pretentious unintentional comedy. Seeing as we have more than enough of those, Vantage Point is destined to be forgotten (and it should be).
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