Review of Watch It

Watch It (1993)
Excellent movie about relationships
24 May 2009
John (Peter Gallagher) travels to Chicgao to reconnect with cousin Mike (Jon Tenney). He moves into the house Mike shares with Rich (John C. McGinley) and Danny (Tom Sizemore). John meets and falls in love with Ann (Suzy Amis) who dated Mike but dumped him for cheating on her. Mike finds out and might want her back. Meanwhile Rich is dating Ellen (Cynthia Stevenson) but can't commit. Also Watch It is an immature game the has the guys play practical jokes on each other. Lili Taylor also plays a small but important role.

This film was just great. This is easily one of the most honest films I've even seen on relationships between men and women. The dialogue is frank and dead on accurate. McGinley's view on women especially has to be heard to be (dis)believed! The acting is all excellent especially Tenney turning in a great low-key performance. The only debits--the practical jokes the guys play on each other are unfunny and implausible (especially one involving a car) and it cops out at the ending. Still it has more moments of honesty and truth than hundreds of other Hollywood movies on relationships. This was thrown away by its distributor and has a lousy title but it's well worth searching out. Funny, honest and just great! A 10.
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