Review of Sexy Cat

Sexy Cat (1973)
Rare, and disappointing, Giallo
25 May 2009
This film could be described as something of a cross-over between the Fumetti and the Giallo, though whether or not it was really intended I don't know. I would be happy to believe that it was intended; but this film was written and directed by Julio Pérez Tabernero, who also wrote and directed the mind-numbingly awful Cannibal I'm tempted to think that he didn't know what he was doing. Ever. Anyway, if I had to place it in one genre or the other; I'd probably call this a Giallo, just because the Fumetti part of the story only really gets a passing mention as part of the set-up for the plot. Anyway, the film focuses on the production of a film called Sexy Cat; based on an Italian comic book (a "Fumetti"). An artist hires a private detective as he believes that he wrote the comic book and has not received any credit. However, the artist is soon found with his throat cut, and it has been done in the same style featured in Sexy Cat. Never one to skip a job, the detective then decides to hunt down the person responsible for the murder...and the bodies soon start to pile up.

I should mention that the copy of this film in my possession is awful. The picture quality verges on unwatchable and the sound is not much better. However, while I'm sure that this film would be better with decent picture and sound quality; it's also clear that it's not the best Giallo ever made either. The film is very short, running at around eighty minutes; and this isn't nearly enough time to tell the story properly. There's not much in the way of atmosphere either and despite featuring a Fumetti as a major story point; the film incredibly lacks style too. The plot itself feels rather tired and I can't say I ever really cared what the resolution to the story was going to be. On the plus side, however, the killer's modus operandi is rather good and it's imaginative too, which is a bonus. There's a couple of good death scenes; but nothing too outstanding, especially considering that this film was released during the Giallo's heyday. Overall, this film might be of interest to Giallo fanatics despite it's shortcomings but I wouldn't recommend going to a lot of trouble tracking it down. That being said, I'd give it another watch if a decent DVD version was released.
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