Wolverine falls short of expectations
26 May 2009
This fourth X-Men film, first chronologically, covers the history of arguably the most popular X-Man: Wolverine. While this idea is really cool, the film definitely falls short of that marker. While the X-Men trilogy (well, maybe not the third) were actually really good movies that not only had plenty of action but also were thought-provoking and deep. In X-Men Origins: Wolverine, even the action isn't very good. Like Batman Begins before, most of the fights consist of the camera zooming in too close and spinning constantly, not allowing a good view of what's going on. Even the special effects are lacking, as Wolverine's claws just seem tacked on and out of place most of the time. Hugh Jackman gave 110% in this film, but it didn't really help because apart from his performance the film was barely watchable. None of the mutants apart from Wolverine were explained well at all, even his brother Sabretooth was vague. There will be other X-Men Origins films and a fourth film in the main X-Men series as well as more Wolverine movie, but I can't say I'm looking forward to them. If anything, give this movie a rent when it comes out on DVD and Blu-Ray. It isn't worth seeing in the theater. Thanks for reading this review.
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