A Program done with all of the seriousness and substance of the TV Wrestling Interviews and Promos.
26 May 2009
WE CAN WELL remember viewing this show in syndication over our own local station WGN TV, Channel 9 in Chicago. At that time, circa 1985, it was being shown in the Never-Never Land of the Late Afternoon-Early Evening's 'no man's land' of TV broadcasting.

OUR FIRST IMPRESSION, and as 'They' say, first impressions are very important, was it was hysterically funny, side-splitting at times. The on screen antics of the host, coupled with the underwhelmingly 'awsome' array of unknown and non-professional guests, when juxtaposed against one another, generally made for some delightful TV waste time. We never became true followers, due mainly to work schedule; but did manage to catch it occasionally.

ALL WAS FINE with us with regard to Mr. George and his self-styled video autocracy; until we heard him referred to as being "Consertative Television Commentator" on another program that was all about commercials. With that one remark, this kid (me!) found himself at once overcome with mirth; while simultaneously engulfed with anger.

AS YOU'VE no doubt surmised by now, this writer is a Conservative; been one ever since the old school days at St. Rita High School, here on Chicago's famous and infamous Southside. The attitudes and actions displayed by Host Wally definitely were indicative of a Political Conservative. In fact, the exaggerated actions and one sided behaviour displayed in the course of one of his shows more closely resemble those practices exhibited by today's Political Left, the so called 'Liberals'.(you know, folks such as Pelosi, Reid, Dean, Matthews, Franken and just about any network news anchor at CBS, NBC, ABC, PBS, NPR, CNN, CNBC and MSNBC.)

AS OVER THE TOP and absurd as the conducting of business on a typical installment of the HOT SEAT is oddly similar to some of the more "Modern" television programs, which purport to be totally serious; their only humor being whatever ridicule they can muster against their argumentative opponents. We're of course referring to something like POLITICALLY INCORRECT and that more recent show starring that human race hating atheist & ex-Catholic, Bill Maher. The resemblance of his shows to the Late Mr. George's is remarkable.

THE HUMOR of THE HOT SEAT WITH WALLY GEORGE lies in the inherent absurdity of Wally's dictatorial behaviour in cutting off debate with anyone who dared to disagree with his opinion via use of a uniformed security rent-a-cop; who he would 'command' to physically remove the powerless guest from his stage. This is totally laughable in our country, with our Constitutional guarantees of First Amendment rights.

HERE'S HOPING that it will ever remain so very absurd; which means that our Republic will still be truly "the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave!"
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