Big Top Bunny (1951)
"I don't know how you do this, but if YOU could do it, BRUNO could do it better!"
28 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
"Big Top Bunny" is an excellent Bugs Bunny cartoon that teams him up with Bruno the Slobokian Acrobatic Bear. The arrogant Bruno becomes insanely jealous about having Bugs horn in on his circus act. There is absolutely no way in hell Bruno is going to allow himself to be upstaged by a little gray rabbit!

My favorite scenes from "Big Top Bunny" include the following (DO NOT read any further if you have not yet seen this cartoon). Bruno is quite funny even in his first scene as he expresses his disgust (with a humorously thick accent that could only be voiced by Mel Blanc) about having to share the spotlight with Bugs. During a fall, Bruno lands inside a tuba, which blasts him out onto a kettledrum, where he gets struck with a pair of mallets. The scene that probably makes me laugh the most is that of Bugs and Bruno continually elevating their heights above the ground and arguing about who will jump first - into a block of cement!

Please, oh PLEASE, let us not overlook composer/arranger Carl W. Stalling's contribution to "Big Top Bunny". The fact that he could quote a Sousa march one moment and a popular song the next is a testament of his true genius. Animation historian Michael Barrier's audio commentary for the DVD (the Looney Tunes Golden Collection Volume 1 Disc 1) is essentially a kind tribute to Maestro Stalling.
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