Smart, witty and funny
28 May 2009
I had the privileged of watching this film last night at the El Cid in Hollywood and I have to say I was greatly impressed.

I'm usually not one for the writer/artist trying to make it in the big city. Typically I find them cliché' but this was far from that. The filmic elements used; Voice-Over, talking to the camera, flashbacks were used in a manner that moved the story with great ease and although this could get tiresome the director does a great job of not letting that happen.

Charlie was your guy next door, easy to like and very relatible type of character but underneath you could tell there was more to him than a 2-dimentional character. I instantly connected with him, felt for him and found myself wanting him to succeed.

I would highly recommend this film to anyone who gets a chance to see it. GOOD JOB!!!!!
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