Pretty much your typical Adult Swim shite-fest.
1 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Pretty much your typical Adult Swim shite-fest.

Lucy, the Daughter of the Devil, is your standard pretentious foray into the post-South Park world of television, where there's no need to strain yourself by pandering to an audience that doesn't notice every episode is essentially the same bastion of sexually overtness and talent is substituted for words like THE F-WORD WHICH IMDb ALLOWS IN ITS QUOTES BUT NOT IN REVIEWS and "douche bag". Consider how hard core this show is for not only dealing with the over-saturated market of religion, but also for using the word "dildo" in an episode title. Irony is how "mature" themes don't necessarily make you a more mature person.

After South Park, much of television just became the same exact thing, following up on the hells of the old-yet-inexplicably-still-around Newgrounds website, which is notorious for such heavy-handed flash games such as Pico's Sociopathic Public Shooting. This show succeeds at not standing out from any other crap you see on Adult Swim that caters to cheap unshaven beer-belly pot-reeking white trash who listen to obnoxious music and are mistaken in thinking bad taste is an art form.

In its favor, this show's characters are very nearly at least one modicum above South Park in the department of sheer interchangeability for its characters. There's the idiotic red guy, and the titular, uninteresting, self-indulgent red-haired bitch, and your ninja/pirate/spy archetypes, but beyond that it's just extraneous use of your basic formula of cheap, crappy renders for the sake of lowering production costs in hopes of increasing profit margins while amusing the bottom 60th percentile. If you're a sociopath who doesn't realize that shock humor went out with the 80s and also hasn't noticed that there have been about a hundred times as many shows with Satan as a sympathetic character compared to shows about any other religion, then you're bound to be easily amused by anything with beer in it. In that case, fornicate yourself and die.

Final word: Almost as crappy and pretentious as Twilight, but thankfully not as popular.
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