Jon & Kate Plus 8 (2007–2009)
vain, vain, vain
2 June 2009
Kate needs to stop denying she's a perfectionist and a controller. she needs to watch her own show and see how she acts. she became to vain. since when did she become "conscious" about paparazzi. you live in the spotlight. what do you expect. money is really the root of all evil, see what happens when you ask for too much, you have to remember it has to balance, can't have them all. have you seen how you treat Jon..."go do something", "remove this and that", "sit there" are too worried on how you would look like for the TV or the forgot how to have fun. kids are suppose to have fun, so what if they have to get dirty, give them old clothes for play clothes so you don't have to worry of getting them dirty.
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