Lost: The Incident: Part 1 (2009)
Season 5, Episode 16
Well, it's a wonderful foot, Richard, but what does it have to do with Jacob?...
4 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I'm someone who enjoyed the first three seasons of Lost, feeling that it reached its peak in Season 3, but then went downhill when certain annoying/pointless new characters were introduced towards the beginning of Season 4. I saw no point in the characters who were dropped onto the island via helicopter, and they ruined the season for me pretty much. It's a good thing that two out of those four characters got offed during Season 5 then (too bad it couldn't have come earlier).

'The Incident, Part 2', like a lot of 'Part 2's, was definitely better/more interesting than Part 1. Here's a list for you, Jacob...

What I liked about 'The Incident, Part 2': Finally seeing the origin of Jack's 'count to five' story, complete with him nicking his patient's dural sac and freaking out (no angel hair pasta, though).

Sawyer actually being the *mature* one and explaining that "what's done is done" to Jack (whose reason for wanting to blow the island sky high and change everything was so he could have a second chance with Kate), then proceeding to kick Jack's butt (and Jack returning the favour). It was great to watch five season's worth of animosity between the two finally getting released (bet Ben was glad it wasn't *him* getting beaten up for a change).

Juliet's simple, calm, "I've changed my mind." answer (when Sawyer questioned why she was suddenly all for Jack's plan) and watching Sawyer almost lose it was pretty funny. Her reasoning, however (ie. not wanting to lose Sawyer, because she loved him so much), was such a sad, emotional moment, and Elizabeth Mitchell killed me. She acted the HELL out of that scene (and it wouldn't be the only time she did so this episode).

Season 3 has always been my favourite, and that's because it introduced us to Juliet (as well as giving us more insight into Ben). Juliet's consistently been the most intriguing female character on the show since her introduction, and I felt that after Season 3, she had been getting short-changed. I was happy to see her with Sawyer this season and felt they were a much better couple than Jack/Kate, Sawyer/Kate or Jack/Juliet. Sawyer/Juliet had much more chemistry and were a far more mature couple. Of course, Jack and Kate had to come along and ruin things. I was glad when Sawyer yelled "I had a life!" whilst pummeling Jack.

Although I thought the Locke, Ben and Richard storyline kind of dragged and took away from the more interesting storyline of what was going on with the bomb, it did get interesting near the very end. I must say, the flashbacks to Jacob interacting with our characters off-island didn't really seem to have any payoff. What did it tell us besides the fact that he got around a lot? He didn't even bother appearing in Juliet's flashback. In the end, he was sitting under his wonderful foot statue, in his rocking chair, and decided that ticking off a knife-wielding Ben was a smart move. Just for that, he deserved to get repeatedly stabbed and kicked into the fire. Though, even for Locke, burning a still-alive man was pretty cold (though Jacob probably found it HOT...that came out wrong).

Everything from when the gang showed up to save stupid Jack's life (as he went to drop the bomb) was great. The shootouts, the electro-magnetic energy causing all manner of metal objects to go flying (and impale that one guy). It's such a shame that Juliet's demise was SO telegraphed beforehand, what with the red top she was wearing, her chance to get to safety on the sub but coming back - everything was pointing to her getting the shaft (quite literally). The writers didn't disappoint, going so far as to have some random chain snag her and drag her into the hatch. While I was glad to see Kate be the first one to attempt to help Juliet, she proved kind of useless when "reaching" to grab Juliet (though nowhere near as useless as Jack who, after hesitating for like a gazillion years to drop the bomb, got knocked out by a flying toolbox).

This scene, for me, was ALL about Juliet and Sawyer. Her crying in agonising pain, telling him how much she loved him, and him with his repeated "No!"s (though maybe he should have made his final words to her "I love you." instead?). Elizabeth Mitchell (as always) knocked it out of the park in this scene, and so did Josh Holloway, as a matter of fact. His cries of loss matched my own. That was it, I thought - my reason for sticking with the show had now gone. However, when we found bloodied Juliet still alive (barely) at the bottom, I was all sorts of happy that she was still breathing, but also saddened at the thought of the pain she was obviously in. But what a way to go out! Being the hero of the episode and the focus of the final minutes, making that bomb explode. You HAVE to come back, Juliet! Sawyer bestowed upon you his one and only nickname for you this episode: Blondie! (Is it just me, or has Sawyer been getting a little less imaginative/lazy with his nicknames for people over time? Three years of sedate Dharma life must've got to him).
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