A Will Rogers tribute hosted by famous Hollywood stars...
4 June 2009
A short tribute to WILL ROGERS, homespun actor popular in the '30s who was a kind of statesman and "everyman" type of screen player noted for his kindly philosophy and status as a good American, which ends with a plea for audiences to contribute to the Will Rogers Memorial Fund.

GARY COOPER and HARRY CAREY talk about him in affectionate terms, Cooper calling him "a great American." We see a clip of the accident scene in a lake where the plane crashed with Rogers and Wiley Post aboard, both of them killed immediately.

A number of clips (all in poor condition) are shown from his films, none of which do more than show that he played country bumpkin types.

ALLAN JONES sings a cowboy song under open skies and then ROBERT TAYLOR faces the camera for a final talk to the audience, asking them to contribute to the Will Rogers Memorial Fund. The picture fades out and we hear "Old Lang Syne" on the soundtrack with a black screen.

End of a very uninspired short on Will Rogers. The film clips are totally underwhelming.
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