The series is back to the old form
6 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
In the previous Zatoichi film, "Shin Zatôichi monogatari: Oreta tsue" (ZATOICHI IN DESPERATION or ZATOICHI 24), the film abounded with disgusting scenes and plot elements. It certainly was the seediest and most unpleasant of the original 25 Zatoichi films. Fortunately, here in the final film before the series went exclusively to television (until Shintaro Katsu came out of retirement for the 26th Zatoichi film, the film makers decided to make the film less nihilistic and bleak. The only real similarity between 24 and 25 was the blood--there is plenty of realistic looking blood and severed limbs in both. But because the plot isn't quite so dark, the film is like the series coming back to the old formula. Now this isn't all good, because by now the films had become VERY formulaic, but at least it was more enjoyable and offered what fans of the franchise had long enjoyed.

At the beginning of this film, Zatoichi is back to where he grew up though no one seems to remember him. His memories, however, are amazingly clear. In fact, when Shenbei (Zatoichi's childhood playmate) meets up with Ichi, he either doesn't remember him at all or pretends not to--while Ichi can vividly recall their youth. Sadly, however, in addition to Shenbei not recognizing Ichi as a friend, he also has changed a lot for the worse. Now instead of a humble peasant, he's a magistrate who abuses his power to both starve the peasants and overwork them in dangerous quarries he just stole from the local boss. As usual, Ichi puts up with a lot of abuse from these guys until he ultimately kicks butt to restore justice.

This pattern is pretty common to almost all Zatoichi films but there were a few differences--such as how Shenbei finally gets his comeuppance as well as the presence of a gang of lowlife hippie-types who seem to randomly appear and do nasty things for no particular reason.

While this film certainly is NOT a standout film in the series, it is very watchable and is a return to the older and less vile Zatoichi film of the past.
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