Harm's Way (2008)
Repeating the Trauma; Imitating our Abusers
7 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I have =personal= reasons for uprating this throw-away a notch. I met Kathleen many years ago in a "gang" we all ran in at the time. I was immediately aware that any inveigling notions I may have had were senseless. She was waaaaaaaaaaaaay too smart for a telegrapher like me.

Okay; personal stuff aside, Kathleen's interests at the time were no surprise given her early success in "...Rose Garden," and they continue to show up in her character choices (including the fascinating Patricia Kennealy in "The Doors."

In this one, we have a rather extreme version of a type of female I have seen a good dozen times in =less= extremity in real life. They are an intriguing -- and unfortunate -- sort of Stephen Karpman's (Google him, especially if you're a writer; you'll thank me) queens of the Drama Triangle.

Many of them see themselves as ex-Victims who want to be Rescuers but cannot for the life (or death) of them stop imitating those who Persecuted them when they were living in that awful "family of origin" and/or repeating their original trauma in their first three or four marriages.

And they would be merely =intriguing= if their Persecution didn't run to sadomasochistic stuff. The substance- and process-behavior-abuse, "sober-living" recovery and "safe house" world is full of these "Bea's."

No; I don't particularly like =them=, nor am I really jumping up and down about this film. The story would have been a lot more interesting if it lead us into the =real= world of battered women's sanctuaries (it's not always pretty), instead of this (cheesy) "illustrated novel" rendition thereof.

Many women =are= (actually) rescued there; but many others are Rescued, Persecuted and Victimzed by those who cannot help themselves.
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