This is just another scripted "reality" show
20 June 2009
I've watched the first episode of this show trying hard to like it. I like Jesse James so I was looking forward to watching the premiere of his new show. It was okay, but nothing spectacular. I was keen on giving it a second chance though.

The second episode, however, was so scripted and fake to the point of being absolutely ridiculous. Jesse was supposed to escape police officers in a car chase. It was obviously done on an abandoned facility, probably used for training, but they never mentioned it. They had a couple of well placed vehicles and claimed Jesse "almost" hit them. The cops pretended to be outraged by what was going on, and so forth. But then, how come they didn't arrest him? If he's recklessly driving on a public road, putting others at risk, why would they just continue playing the game? At the end, Jesse was having a laugh with them about it and all was fine... But what about the "near misses" with civilians? So you can just challenge police officers to chases around public roads and then laugh it up with them? This show is insulting the viewer's intelligence with the scripted plots. I've seen more realistic car chases in 24.
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