Review of Free Willy

Free Willy (1993)
Free Willy sucks
7 July 2009
I'm so sick of the reviews that go around about this being the greatest family film ever made, blah blah blah, it goes on and on. Like the fact that it's a family film is a sign of greatness or something. The Michael Jackson soundtrack is a joke, the whale who plays Willy unimpressive and the main star is horrible. Michael Madsen and Lori Petty are embarrassing in their supporting roles. One of the worst of the 90's. And because of IMDb's ten lines roles, I have to fill this space with useless crap about the movie and how bad it is. It's bad. I'd give it less than a star if I could. And they're making a Free Willy 4 next year. That's how bad it is. Somebody needs to free me from seeing these piece of crap films.
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