7 July 2009
Okay, let me get one thing straight because this bothers me so much: Robert Downey Jr's performance was not as brilliant as everybody makes it out to be. He wasn't Razzie-worthy, but he wasn't Oscar-worthy, either. Okay, now that it's off of my chest, let me unmask this movie. It is unnecessarily gory. It was humorous but disgusting at the same time, and the latter outweighed the former. The humor was derivative, and the plot was like a slice of Swiss cheese. The verbal vulgarity made my ears bleed. Sometimes there was a scene of humor that was either so disgusting or so stupid and unfunny that I just thought "Hurry it up already". There were a few moments that were just plain surreal, something to which a text-crazy individual might cry: "WTF?!" I had high hopes for Tropic Thunder (I heard it was hilarious, and, of course, Robert Downey Jr. was nominated for Best Supporting Actor), but it let me down. Definitely not a "must-see". Five out of ten, for the number of mere chuckles it fished out of me in its one hundred seven minutes :)
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