Torchwood: Children of Earth: Day Four (2009)
Season 3, Episode 4
Superb performances in British action drama
10 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Throughout this third series of Torchwood, the familiar team members have turned in fantastic acting jobs, but the greatest props go to those playing the least sympathetic roles here: solid, estimable Susan Brown as the assistant to the central civil servant, who up till now has practically defined stiff upper lip, allowing her frosty exterior to crack at last; Nick Briggs and Deborah Finlay exhibiting equal parts ballsiness and shame as the Cabinet members most willing to say the unthinkable, eclipsing even Nicholas Farrell's oleaginous prime minister; and of course Peter Capaldi, as the aforementioned civil servant, whose habit, or instinct, or programming as "servant" leads him to betray civil principles.
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