Good Effort
15 July 2009
I recently watched this and to be honest I wasn't expecting much after reading a few reviews from another site. I have to admit though that although not a Hollywood caliber movie it was not bad. The acting was decent and the story was interesting, although I had never heard of this crime before. Also, my hat is off to Mr. Perry. I have read some of the comments on this site about him and really don't understand the viciousness of some of them. I don't know Mr. Perry, never met him or anyone associated with his company. But I can tell you that it appears he is doing what he loves to do, and that in itself is a win for him. Mr. Perry, misery loves company and from what I've read there are a lot of miserable people posting here that maybe are jealous that they don't have a career they love as you do. Keep on keeping on Mr. Perry and don't mind the "haters".
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