Man-Hating Feminist Propaganda
18 July 2009
This so-called documentary was anything but objective. It was produced by a feminist with an axe to grind. It took a predetermined negative stance towards pornography and had a clearly one-sided, unilateral, anti-porn agenda. It only showed the hardest, roughest forms of sex and avoided showing the much more prevalent sex-is-fun films. It tried to claim the women were being "degraded" and portray them as victims, while failing to mention that everything that occurs to women in porn also occurs to men. Men must "cum on command", they are "objectified" too,and there are numerous porn films where men are portrayed as inferiors. (slave-films, femdom, domination, etc.) In fact, one of the porn actresses in this film (who enjoyed her work) was so angered over the edited and skewed manipulation that the director had used to make her appear as a "victim" who was against porn, that she later went on to become a filmmaker herself in protest. This film was obviously a hack-job that didn't even accurately portray its subjects and intentionally tried to artificially portray them as victims of the porn industry. Obviously, this was nothing more than a feminazi propaganda film.

Erotic and sexual images have been viewed by people since ancient times. Such images have been found in every ancient culture in the world and were commonplace and acceptable in ancient Rome, Babylon, Egypt, and India. It is absurd to think pornography is somehow new or "harmful to women". LOL Only the media has changed. Attempts by man-hating feminists to outlaw pornography are nothing more than misguided misandry. Feminists want to outlaw pornography as a method of oppressing men and taking away men's freedom. They don't want men to be able to masturbate and satisfy themselves sexually, but want women to have a monopoly on sex and use it to control men. That's the REAL reason why man-hating feminists seek to outlaw it. There is no legitimate, objective evidence whatsoever that porn leads to "violence against women" or is harmful to women in any way. Its just an attempt to take away men's freedoms and oppress men. Outlawing porn also takes away women's freedoms too. In fact, cultures where porn is illegal (like Iran) are cultures where women have the least rights, and cultures where porn and prostitution are legal (like Denmark/Sweden) are where women have the most rights. If anything, the empirical evidence shows a positive correlation between pornography in a culture and women's status. In a society that really respects women, women would be free to do what they want with their OWN bodies. If a woman wants to strip, perform in porn, or perform sexual acts then that is HER choice and should be respected. She doesn't need some dumb feminist trying to take away her right to choose by outlawing porn. I thought it was "Our bodies, our choice" (the famous feminist slogan regarding abortion). If that's the case, then why do feminazis insist on interfering with other women's rights to do what they want with THEIR bodies? Each woman should be allowed to choose to either do porn, or not. Feminazis try to take away that choice by attempting to outlaw porn and prostitution. Feminists are the REAL oppressors of women!Each woman should have the right to choose to do what she wants with her body.

Commissions were formed in the 80's by the Reagan administration to try to form links between porn and social harm to provide a "justification" for outlawing porn, but even these commissions had to concede that no harm whatsoever can be shown. The Supreme Court in the USA and Canada both made several modern rulings on pornography and came to the conclusion that pornography should be available to those consenting adults that choose to view it. Those who don't like it don't have to watch it. The feminazi's lost their war, thankfully. Now we can view porn easily through mainstream media such as pay-per-view and the Internet. Hooray for men's rights!! The feminazi's failed to oppress us; even with inflammatory one-sided propaganda films such as this!

I give it 5/10. Zero for intellectual content (since most of this was misinformation and politically-biased feminazi propaganda), but 5 stars for the good skin and explicit sex shown.
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