21 July 2009
You more of less have to know what your getting into with this film.

To make a long story short, Randy is a down on his luck farmer. He finds and puts up a scarecrow, then things start to go his way, but people wind up dying.

The story was surprisingly good for a b-class flick, and the acting was decent as well. Minus a few holes in the plot, the premise is good. I can't really complain about the technical aspects of the film. There is enough blood to satisfy those looking for it, and enough twists to make you nod in approval.

This won't win any awards, nor will it go down in the annals of Worst 100 (if it does, I will be extremely disappointed). More of less, it's an average flick with just enough story to keep you interested.

5/10 - overall, could pass for a theater release, despite being direct to video. Certainly better then 2/3'rds of the crap in the theaters now-a-days.
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