Review of Oasis

Oasis (2002)
28 July 2009
so friends told me this movie was superb... off course, I had to watch it. what I saw was beautiful, but also sad. to be correct, the picture wasn't sad it all, but it made me sad. and above all, I became very angry. how is it possible we live in a society where things like this can happen to good people as the protagonists in this film? yeah, I am shocked and very sad. why didn't the director choose for a better ending? the good memories I had about a sequence from this movie I saw a long time ago, are all gone now. you know what? this is the fault of the director! what a piece of BEEP! this movie is BEEP! well, maybe this movie is made to give commentary about how racist we as a society are... anyway, this movie will make you cry.
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