Maybe DS9's finest.
29 July 2009
Folks either hate this episode or love it. Honestly, I think it's of the best of the series, along with "Duet", "The Visitor", and "The Way of the Warrior".

To make a long story short, Sisko may have to sacrifice everything to save the Federation (and the Alpha Quadrant) from certain annihilation at the hands of the Dominion.

Andrew Robinson and Avery Brooks have tremendous chemistry in this episode, and it challenges everything that made Star Trek what is was. Make no mistake, few series can get away with it, let alone accomplish something like this.

The direction and script were fantastic in this episode, also producing a new canon ship and giving one the best one liners in Star Trek history.

This episode may not have the touching emotions of "The Visitor" or the dynamic action of "Way of the Warrior", but it is gritty, dirty, and makes you question what you would be willing to sacrifice to save something larger then yourself.
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