Rabid monk or minority ravager?
2 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
These are two of the choices offered as possible solutions in a fairly anachronistic rendering of an apocryphal Holmes-like tale. This made-for-TV story got nominated for cinematography awards in both the United States and Canada (it was filmed in Montreal). Therefore, if you want the best quality experience from WHITECHAPEL VAMPIRE, watch this with your television on "mute," and you will not hear the evidence as to why this offering did not receive any script-writing kudos. While it is clear Matt Frewer models his rendering of Sherlock Holmes more on the character "Snidely Whiplash" from TV's 1960s Bullwinkle cartoon than on Basil Rathbone's characterization in his famous string of 1940s Holmesian offerings, Tom Rack as Brother Abel is perhaps the weakest link in an acting chain of questionable strength. In terms of whether this series is great for kids, as some have suggested, it may well be, if one's goal is to raise little agnostics or atheists.
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