Every 9 Seconds (1997 TV Movie)
easy to see, but doesn't include other types of abusers
4 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The reason I check spoiler, is "just in case" I give something away in my comment. This movie is typical of made for TV movies. While it does make a point about how women can get into relationships that are abusive....it doesn't even mention or even hint at the more subtle abuser. I've known many women who were in HORRIBLE, some volatile/physical relationships. It is SO common, it is almost surprising. The abusers in this movie are the obvious ones. Jealous rages, controlling personality in public...etc. What about the abuser who shows a charming, funny personality in public and is physically abusive in private, and mixes in HORRIBLE threats, emotional abuse and more to keep his woman under his thumb? THAT is more common. Maybe the writers of this movie wanted to show a sort of text book definition of an abuser. However, I've only seen one guy who fit that bill.

It is easy for people to say, "Why don't they just leave or call the police?" After the police were called on one situation I know of, the spouse/abuser became SO ANGRY that it got worse. He avoided being jailed, but he made the woman's life even more horrible until she finally dropped the charges. Police and the courts only do so much.

And, when the abuse is more subtle...controlling...it is even harder to get away. The abuser controls the money, the vehicles, and pretty much everything. If the woman is unable to provide enough funds to take care of her family, and possibly additional family members the abuser is taking care of financially...it keeps that woman in a VERY controlled environment.

We need a movie like that. Showing the abuser as being a charming, funny, but moody man, that hardly anyone outside of the home could believe IS not balanced. And, how difficult it is to get out a situation like that. No more textbook characters...let's get the word out.

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