Dated but enjoyable first version based on a story by Arthur Conan Doyle
5 August 2009
The film deals about Professor paleontologist Challenger(Wallace Beery), an eccentric scientist. The London Record Journal publicizes : ¨Famous zoologist returns from South America without proofs of strange tale , Challenger a well-known author and scientist, has returned to London with a strange tale of Mammoth, Pteradoctyls and other prehistoric monsters, roaming at large somewhere on the upper reaches of the Amazon. Unfortunately for the Professor's reputation for veracity, he refuses to give the exact location of his alleged discoveries and still more unfortunately, the photographs in his possession are so badly damaged when the Professor's canoe is said to have been evidenced ¨. Challenger leads a British expedition to the Amazon in 1912, a motley group formed by the journalist Ed Malone (Lloyd Hughes), Paula White (Bessie Love), adventurer Roxton (Lewis Stone) . The mixed characters in search for a fantastic and remote plateau where the prehistoric beasts still exist confronting adventures and other risks .In the Amazons , the journalist writes the following : ¨I will not bore those whom this narrative may reach by account of our voyage. Eventually we found ourselves in that no-man's-land which is formed by the half-defined frontiers between Peru, Brazil and Colombia, The sealed map promised Challenger to not open until we arrived here is only a blank page. Excepting a miracle, our expedition seems to have come to a premature end ¨. Later on, Ed Malone writes to Mr. McArdle : ¨It is just three weeks since we sent back the canoes and tonight we are camping at the base of the great plateau upon which Maple White was marooned . Challenger has guided us to this spot, and proved that the plateau is a fact, but we have no reason to believe that any monsters are roaming about up there. In Fact, I don't think ¨ . After that, the expedition find themselves confronted by dinosaurs, Brontosaurs, Alosaurs, among them. Then 'The Record-Journal' publishes : ¨Explorers reach the last outpost of civilization searching for Lost World may not be heard from again for months¨.

This classic, first and silent version is a stupendous story of adventure and romance. The tale provides sweeping and exciting entertainment . The action scenes blend creatures and humans more seamlessly than ever before in silent cinema and has some nice battles between prehistoric animals. Surviving Brontosaurs,Triceratops, Dinosaurs,Alosaurs, Pterodactyls are the true stars , rise to the occasion to amuse in an otherwise dated and old movie. The fantastic beasts are stunningly made by Willis H O'Brien -the master of Ray Harryhausen- as researcher and technical director and sets and architecture by Milton. Furthermore, photographs by Arthur Edeson, being well directed by Harry Hoyt.

Other adaptation about this story based upon novel by Arthur Conan Doyle are the following : 1960 by Irwin Allen with Claude Rains,Michael Rennie and Jill St. John, 1992 by Timothy Bond with John Rhys Davies and David Warner, 1997 by Steven Spielberg with Richard Attemborough, Sam Neill, Jeff Goldblum, 2002 by Stuart Orme with Bob Hoskins, Peter Falk and James Fox.
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