The Big Shave (1967)
Kenneth Anger versus Martin Scorsese
8 August 2009
this movie is great! obviously, Martin Scorsese has learned how to make good movies from Kenneth Anger. Anger made many short films, existing of only images and music. Scorsese does the same, and he has not been ashamed to confess he was influenced by Anger. but, and here's the point, Scorsese is well known, and Anger is not. that's really a shame, because Kenneth Anger is one of the greatest directors ever. The Big Shave shows us a homage to Anger, a tribute to be correct, actually it's just like an Anger film, but not as good (even though Scorsese is a big shot director now and Anger is hated all of his life because of many of his diabolical short films). so why do I give The Big Shave 10 points if I do not like it as much as, for example, Kenneth Anger's Scorpio Rising? simply because I agree that The Big Shave is one of the few movies as close to an Anger short film as can be. Kenneth Anger rules, but so does Scorsese.
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