Trite, clichéd, badly written, poorly executed.
9 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I can only assume the two positive reviews were written by someone involved in the production of this turkey. Here's the plot. We start with a group of mercenaries in "Babylon" 16 years ago, sent to find an unknown artifact, and for some reason, they have a belly dancer with them. I can't think of any explanation for the Belly Dancer other than that's what the producer thinks lives in the Middle East. Well, the monster gets loose, and infects the lead mercenary, imbuing him with the Force. Or something. We then have Lance Henricksen, consigned to Direct to DVD Perdition for sins against good project selection, as a mad scientist who runs an insane asylum where they test drugs on the patients, and they are working on a new drug called "Reficul", which is "Lucifer" spelled backwards. Sign of a bad writer... this is their idea of "clever". We get introduced to some more characters, seemingly unrelated to each other, including a hard-drinking cop and a paranoid journalism student who is pregnant. The only truly evil thing that follows is the simply horrible dialog written for the characters. Basically, you couldn't figure out the plot with a Ouija board and a magic 8-Ball, but I halfway expect that's how they wrote it. Memo to Mr. Henricksen. You used to be a good actor. Now your name on a DVD box is becoming like a skull and crossbones on a bottle.
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