despite some good action and great looking color photography it all isn't that compelling
10 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Captain and his crew just returning to England are forced to go back out to take on the villainous Captain Morgan who is based in Tortuga . He once had a deal with the Brits but things have gone sour and he's raiding every British ship he can come across. Add to the mix a stowaway wench who has eyes for the captain and you're in for a rather superficial evening at the movies. Sue me the film never clicked with me. Its not that the action is bad, its not, its just that the plot doesn't really hold your interest. At times it's too much talk and not enough action, especially in the early going. Worse still is the cast who while adequate, are never really engaging and it's not really a wonder that I never really recall seeing any of them in anything else. I never really cared and despite the film looking good I allowed my attention to wander to other things.
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