Innocent fun
19 August 2009
This is another in director John Hilbard's Danish Mazurka collection. The Mazurka films are a Danish attempt at the rather bawdy films that the British were making around the same time such as the Carry On series and later on the Confessions films. The Mazurka series tries to emulate the British offerings but unless you can understand the Scandinavian languages, the dialogue jokes will be meaningless.

The plot concerns the headmaster of a boarding school who is feeling the financial pinch. He gets the idea that renting out the student rooms during the school holidays to well-to-do holiday makers is a sure-fire way to refill the school coffers. Of course, things get out of hand in a farcical way but it is all handled in an innocent manner. The scene in a strip club was strange and left me wondering if the Danes understand the concept of strip-tease - the woman started off naked and then proceeded to put her clothes on. The film had not been spliced in the wrong way round.

The film had quite good production values, being shot on location in a rather fine country estate. The acting was typical of theatrical farce and there was very little nudity. If you do not understand Scandinavian languages, nor like old style comedy then this is probably not for you - 3 stars.
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