Review from Toronto After Dark Film Festival: WTF Was That?
19 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I don't mean that in a good way. After the promise of something disturbing and dark and Lynchian, I expected more. It was pretty pathetic - it went from BORING (I checked my watch and it was 45 minutes in, when nothing was happening and I was considering escape) to stupid and annoying (the "artsy" soundtrack crap was annoying. I have a migraine that's going to take 2 pain killers to get rid of because of that lame attempt at avant-garde. I was relieved when it was over. It was predictable, horrible, derivative crap. I knew exactly how it was going to end around the halfway point, and it certainly stayed true to my predictions.

If you want disturbing, there is far worse available in Google search. If you're scared of a chick with a strap-on you've got issues. And if you've seen Planet Terror's melting Tarantino penis, you've seen about all this movie had to offer. It may appeal to drunken frat boys, but that's only because alcohol kills brain cells.
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