Misunderstood (1966)
Italian director Luigi Comencini shows the death of a family member being experienced by young boys.
20 August 2009
In the history of professional film-making,death of a charming family member is a serious yet innocent theme.It is a common knowledge that an amateur director will butcher the look and shape of the film by turning it into a shameless tear jerker.But things would surely be different if the same matter is passed on to a veteran cinéaste.In the hands of versatile Italian director Luigi Comencini death of a family member theme has become a film almost close to a masterpiece.He has shown that his film has no place for melodrama as he depicts human side of people who cope up with the death of a family member.This sad event has been portrayed in the character of a diplomat who has to look after his two young sons after the demise of his wife.Incompreso is an Italian film about the intellectual growth of people both young and old alike who have to face their daily lives in the wake of a death in their midst.Comencini must be felicitated for the manner in which he portrays how life goes on as people must become strong even if there is a somber event of death around.This is because there is nothing in this world for weak people. Everybody must find own ways of dealing with the loss of family members.This is the only sensible message of this film.
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