Sliders (1995–2000)
Occasionally brilliant; often fun; sometimes embarrassingly bad
23 August 2009
I was interested in watching this show again after reflecting on the fond memories I had of it as a kid. It was a great premise, and I remember that the show got darker and darker as it went along. On these two counts my memories were correct.

'Sliders' is a good show. The problem is that it could have easily been a great show. Instead, it got bogged down in bad writing, in lousy rip-off plots of movies that were popular at the time, and all too often it recycled plots.

That said, when Sliders was good, it was usually VERY good. The story arcs involving the Kromaggs, the eventual 'glitching' of the sliding device, and the loss of certain characters all added to the tension and the suspense of the show. Some people thought the show got worse as it went along, and in some ways this is understandable. Characters with whom the audience has grown attached get written off, often in very cruel ways. Yet, I felt this added to the story, overall. As painful as it was to see some of the twists and changes in the series, these changes reinforced the idea that 'Sliding' was a dangerous matter, and reminded us that the threats that Sliding made possible were to be taken seriously, rather than something that could only effect redshirts.

If the writers of Stargate SG-1 had written this series, then it would probably be one of the best shows ever made. But they didn't. And the writing is the real problem, here. Too often the same expendable, predictable characters in these world show up and explain the whole good/bad of the parallel world within a few minutes after our Sliders arrive. And too often, the worlds are little more than hyperboles of ridiculous social commentary which is heavy handed at best. Where the show does well is with the science-fiction angle, which, unfortunately, the people at FOX apparently asked the writers to tone down. The result was a very watered down, often schizophrenic show which, though addictive, often fails at living up to it's own potential.

Nonetheless, it's a good watch for a rainy day, or to stave off boredom. There's enough thought-provoking material to keep you watching, even past the horrible episodes about 'tornado worlds' and 'wild west world'. The way to enjoy the show is to accept the same exposure to randomness and chance that our main characters are asked to. It's hit and miss.
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