Danny Trejo's follow-up to WHORE, SEX CRIMES & XXX
23 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Danny Trejo is one of our finest Hispanic character actors, and would be unlikely to star as the main villain in a film project if it were as terrible as all the most popular comments here seem to imply. Obviously, some viewers have come to ALL SOULS DAY with strong prejudice against anything Mexican. These people apparently have not heard the expression which begins, "When in Rome . . . " That is, in the land of the siesta and "manana," what right-thinking person would expect zombies of a sleepy village to be hyperactive, darting about like lightning bugs in a jar? It's rudimentary that the undead in such a place would move around as slow as molasses, and the filmmakers did a great job of coaching their 104 credited zombie extras to ooze about like death warmed over. Furthermore, the threads of the plot come together if you watch ASD enough times (for me, it was pretty much crystal clear by my seventh viewing). If you do not have enough time to appreciate SOULS, than why foist off your ignorance on the internet universe? (As in, "This movie was so boring, I stopped watching after the opening credits, and now I want YOU to spend 10 minutes reading about how I can make that same criticism 27 other ways.") NOT ONE critic of SOULS provides any proof that they watched the 66-minute "making of's" on the SOULS d.v.d., OR listened to the director's commentary audio track. The depth of their comments implies that they watched SOULS on their one-inch cell phone screens while bouncing off strangers during the daily commute. They owe it to Danny Trejo, star of such earlier blockbusters as WHORE, SEX CRIMES, and XXX, to obtain the SOULS d.v.d., watch it once or twice, study the "extras," and then watch the feature a couple more times IF they want to argue for a rating of "1" out of 10 from an INFORMED position.
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