The Fear (1988)
Does It Hold Up Well Today?
24 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I bought the series last week from for under 20 quid (On the site write in the search box .... The Fear). I did this on the strength of remembering my enjoyment of it back in 1988. I've searched for it for years, and finally I've found it. It was the first series on TV which made me plan my week to ensure I don't miss it. Yeah, I thought it was that good.

Since buying it last week I've viewed the the first 3 episodes and though the first two were gripping like I remembered, the 3rd episode dragged a bit. I think being 21 years older may have something to with me seeing it differently, and Ian Glenn's way of talking is starting to grate on me a bit. I'll be starting Disk 2 later today, and I hope it picks up a bit. I should add that I remember how it ends, and some of you might too - but all in all I'm very pleased to have it in my DVD collection (at last).

Description: A group of hard youths who have a protection racket led by Carl, climb the underworld ladder in Islington, North London. They do it in a realistic and very credible manner ... which is where much of the acclaim comes from. The people in this series are real and believable. The rest of the acclaim comes from the acting throughout and the writing. If you like Lock Stock ... Long Good Friday ... you'll love this series. It has been imprinted on my mind since seeing it in the 1980's and it's why I've searched for it since the invention of DVD and the internet.
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